Page 12 - Guide to Pregnancy
P. 12

                         Common questions
 When will I feel my baby move?
Sometime between 16-25 weeks of pregnancy, mothers will begin to feel movement. Initially, movements
will be infrequent and may feel like butterfly flutters. As your baby grows, you will feel movement more often. It is recommended to start counting fetal movements beginning at 28 weeks once daily until you get 10 movements within 2 hours. A good time to do this is 20-30 minutes after breakfast and dinner. If you are concerned about movement, eat or drink something with sugar or caffeine, lie on your side and press your hands on your belly. If you have concerns about feeling baby movements or notice a decrease in movements, contact the office.
Why am I so tired? What’s the best sleep position?
It’s normal to feel more tired. You may also notice you need more sleep than usual. Try to get at least 8-10 hours per night. Listen to your body.
Try to sleep on your side to allow for maximum blood flow to baby. Lying on your back can cause your blood pressure to drop. You may also find it helpful to put a pillow behind your back and between your knees to improve comfort. As your pregnancy progresses, use more pillows and frequent position changes to stay comfortable.
Can I use a Jacuzzi?
Using a Jacuzzi or whirlpool bath is not recommended during the first trimester and should be limited to
15 minutes or less in the second and third trimester with the water temperature not exceeding 100 degrees.
Can I travel?
Traveling is safe during pregnancy for uncomplicated pregnancies. You may cruise up to 24 weeks, you may fly up to 37 weeks. After 37 weeks, we recommend staying close to home. Discuss with your OB physician PRIOR to the trip. We can provide a letter of clearance. When you do travel, be sure to take breaks to stand up/
walk around at least every two hours and stay well hydrated. If traveling by vehicle, wear a seat belt, positioning it under your abdomen as your baby grows. If you are involved in a car accident, please call the office immediately. You may need to be monitored.
Can I care for my pets?
If you have cats, please let us know. Avoid changing the litter box or use gloves to change it. Toxoplasmosis is a rare infection that you can get from cat feces.
What do I need to know about dental care?
Dental care is very important in pregnancy. Your teeth and gums may experience sensitivity throughout the pregnancy. Inform the dentist of your pregnancy and shield your abdomen if x-rays are necessary. Contact our office with any questions about dental care. A letter authorizing treatment can be faxed to your dentist.

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