What signs and symptoms of pregnancy will my healthcare provider check?
Your healthcare provider will look for various signs of pregnancy and ask about your symptoms at different stages of your pregnancy. These signs and symptoms include: nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness or enlargement, and urinary frequency in early pregnancy, an embryo that can be seen in an ultrasound scan as early as five to six weeks after your last period, enlarged uterus at about 6 to 8 weeks, enlarged abdomen at about 14 weeks, parts and movements of the baby that can be felt by your healthcare provider at about 18 weeks, the baby’s heartbeat heard by a Doppler fetoscope at 12 to 14 weeks, or by an ordinary fetoscope at about 19 weeks, movement by the baby felt by you at about 20 weeks if this is your first pregnancy, or as early as 16 weeks if you have been pregnant before, changes in the color of your vagina, cervix, and skin.